Friday, October 16, 2009

My Name is....Barky Burton??

I’ve always said I will answer to almost anything! Many years ago, my husband worked with a very sweet older lady who called me “Diane” for years. Yep, she even sent me a card addressed to “Diane”. I didn’t have the heart to tell her any different, so I answered to Diane for years.

This week was a funny reminder of the many names I’ve been called. I received two voice mails this week, each addressing me as a different name. One lady called me Rachael and the other called me Jane. Both eventually realized they had looked at their lists wrong and corrected their mistake. The funniest name so far happened two days ago through a deaf relay interpreter. I called a deaf friend and the interpreter promptly misread my friend’s finger spelling of my name and said to me, “Hi! Is this BARKY?”. Barky?? Now that is a first! (Of course Jim and Jordyn really got a kick out of this new name. Unfortunately, I think this one may stick for a while).

Diane, Rachel, Jane, Barky, Beckums—names will come and go but I am thankful that there is One Who knows my name. He will never get my name confused with another. I am thankful that through the saving blood of Jesus Christ, my name is written in His book of life. I am thankful that He knows me as His child. Does He call you His child???

He Knows My Name (song and music by Tommy Walker)
I have a Maker
He formed my heart
Before even time began
My life was in his hands
He knows my name
He knows my every thought
He sees each tear that falls
and He hears me when I call
verse 2:
I have a Father
He calls me His own
He'll never leave me
No matter where I go

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