About Becky

"Don't take life too serious, no one gets out alive".   

Becky is my official name but my friends call me Beck, Beckums,or Beck-Beck. I am married to the most incredible hunk of a man, Jim. 

Two beautiful girls call me "mom" and I had the amazing privileged of home schooling for thirteen years.  My youngest daughter graduated (home school) in June 2010.  

My oldest daughter is married to an officer in the Army.  She has two precious baby girls---so, yep, that makes me a grandma!! (though I prefer to be called 'Mimi').   

I have two precious Yorkies that I adore and spoil way too much. 

I like to have fun and be goofy. 

Among my favorite things in life, ice cream and snow both make my heart happy.  I love life.  I know that life, itself, is not always easy but I believe according to Jeremiah 29:11, "God has a plan for each of us".  I believe we must make the most of every moment and opportunity while we have breath.  We are here for His purposes and I pray that all I do or say will glorify The Lord.    

By my own admittance I am not a writer nor do I play one on TV.   I also admit I AM the Queen of typos (to which have been a great source of comical relief in my household).  Praise the Lord,  He has not called me to be a writer, but I joyfully embrace the calls on my life.  First, being a wife and a helper to my man, Jim. Secondly, I am called to be a mom.  Lastly, and probably the most comical call is a Pastor's Wife. Comical not in the Pastoral sense but comical meaning that if you knew me back in the 80's.... enough said?.....(My God is a transforming God with a sense of humor!  Like Totally!  Can I get a witness?)

I started blogging to stay in touch with my oldest daughter who lives in another state, however, I don't think she even reads my blog.  Over the years, I have blogged just for fun and to encourage others.  It is my prayer that as I share the random musings of my average, simple life that somehow I can be an encouragement to women, wives and moms  out in blogland to keep "pressing on" for Jesus.  I do not claim to have it all figured out--but I know  The One who does!   


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