Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Carpet and blue bracelet

I ran across this picture the other day and I just had to post it as a reminder of The Lord's faithfulness.

I have taken Beth Moore's Believing God Bible Study two times. If you have taken this study then you know for 12 weeks you wear a blue bracelet to serve as a reminder that we can trust and believe God. After each study I have taken my bracelet off and 'tossed it'. End of story. Last year my blue (rope) bracelet re-appeared in a most unusual location. More on that in a moment.

Jim and I have lived in the same house for 15 years. When we moved in the house our carpet was old and rather worn. Over the years we had wanted to replace the carpet, however, we never had the money to do so. By my own admission, I am "one of those" who prays for everything. Everything. Even carpet. We came close to saving enough money one year but our water pipe under the house broke and we had to repair t
he pipe with our "carpet" money. I continued to pray about this issue.

Last year, my 15 years of praying was answered. Our family received a major blessing from some precious Christian people---- new carpet (along with extra squishy padding!). When the old carpet was taken out of the house, guess what was found on the bottom of the old carpet? Yep! My blue "Believing God" bracelet.

What are you believing God for? Whatever it is, don't quit praying. No matter how insignificant it may seem, no matter how long you have been praying, DON'T STOP! Keep praying!!

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