Friday, February 11, 2011

Untie the ribbons and flashing back

How did it get so late so soon?
It's night before it's afternoon.
December is here before it's June.
My goodness how the time has flewn.
How did it get so late so soon?
~Dr. Seuss

Yesterday I organized some files on my computer and ran across my "oldies" photo file (meaning time not age!!).   Seems like these "oldies" were just yesterday.  I am sure all agree that time is zipping faster than ever these days.  Makes me want to enjoy every moment of life and live with no regrets. 

Me and My Mom 30 years ago and 3 months ago


My precious princesses from 17 years ago and  12 weeks ago

Each day comes bearing its own gifts.  Untie the ribbons.  ~R. Schabacker

Speaking of gifts, today is Friday and that means I am linking up with Company Girl.  

Every week I look forward to Company Girl Coffee as it is a blessing to have other like-minded women out in Blogville to share with, receive encouragement and inspiration from.  Be sure to link up with us.

Enjoy your weekend, make memories that will last a lifetime and "untie those ribbons" from the gifts each day holds. 

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Diane said...

Becky, the then-and-now pictures are awesome! Love the one of your girls' from when they were little.

How often I grouse and complain and forget to "untie the ribbons". Every day is a blessing, no matter what it holds. Have a marvelous weekend!

Lea @ CiCis Corner said...

I loved this entry and my goodness, you and your Mom have preserved very well over the years! Good for you!

I do plan to enjoy my weekend and look forward to our family Valentine celebration on Sunday evening. I love making memories with my family.

Sending sunshine and lollipops your way!


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