I had a few minutes this morning to log-in for a quick update. If you are seeking random (my usual) then skip ahead to the second-to-last point:
- Jordyn came home for Fall Break this weekend. To say we were delighted to see her would be an understatement. She is doing great and is loving college. She is diggin' her Theology class and is praying about a Theology/Philosophy major with a music minor (she has her dad's brains and musical abilities).
- My precious little grand-baby is doing great! Jaelynn is getting ready for her own little adjustment. Her baby sister (Zoie) is due in January.
- Still waiting for the results of my state interpreting test. It's been 4 months so they should arrive any day.
- Saturday night I double-dog dared my sister-in-law to plank with me! It was my first attempt and might be my last (I'm injury prone and I don't think my Chiropractor would approve!)
- If you want a good sermon, you have to check out "Bulls, Lions and Dogs" (Sept. 25th) by Pastor Jim Cymbala of The Brooklyn Tabernacle. I tried to embed the sermon but I was unsuccessful. Take the time to go to the link, find it and listen. I was totally bawling the entire message. I pray this will touch your heart as it did mine!