Saturday, November 26, 2011

November Re-cap

My mouth is filled with your praise, and with your glory all the day. Psalms 71:8

To say time is going faster than I am would be a massive understatement. I have been rather neglectful in posting but I'm ready for a fresh start.  Sometimes we need to pull back from the busyness of life and just "be still". I thought I had just become lazy with my blog, however, after a short hiatus I realize I needed time away to re-focus.   I have been really praying and seeking The Lord the past few months for direction and clarity in my life.  Being an "empty nester" has been a challenging and tough season for this mother's heart. (I hope to share more in later posts).  During these past few months I have enjoyed a sweet time of seeking Him and He has been faithful to hold me, guide me and teach me.   

 During this time The Lord worked and convicted me of my lack of praising Him.  Especially here on my blog.  Last year I posted everyday in November listing thanks each day for 30 days.   I am sad I missed that opportunity this year, however, with Thanksgiving reflecting in my heart I realize it is never too late to give Thanks to Him!  A fresh start!

I believe this is the most wonderful time of the year and my personal goal will be to post each day during the Christmas season something that I am thankful for.  I want to take time to recognize the precious gifts I have been given each day.   I plan to taking time to slow down, enjoy the season, love my family and reflect on the gifts The Lord has given me.  I hope you will join me too (so check back if you want join it!)

Here is a glimpse of the past few weeks in the Burton house and just a few of the things I I am thankful for:

(~~First, no picture for this one but I passed my state interpreting test!  Thanks to all who prayed for me as I took my two-part test and waiting for my results!~~)

Having all my family with me on Thanksgiving Day
Josh, Jaelynn, Amanda, Jim, Me(front), Jordyn, Mom (front), Dad, Ryan, Holly (front)

The sheer delight on Jaelynn's  face about her candy cane reminds me to enjoy the simple things in life everyday!

Sums it all up!  Celebrate God for all He has done!

My baby girl turned 19 this month.  We were thrilled she was home from college to celebrate with us!

Can you tell that I truly can not get enough of my grand daughter?

Enjoying Jordyn being home for 9 days from college.  How I have missed our girls time.
Odd, I know.  But my favorite number is "11"!!

Goofing off with my oldest, Amanda and her precious pregnant belly.  Baby Zoie will be here in 6 weeks!  Maybe she will make it in time for Christmas (or Mimi's birthday!)

My man was a bit under the weather over Thanksgiving and didn't want to get close enough to anyone to have pictures taken.  I was able to capture this a few weeks ago.  I love this picture of his handsome self.  Shows his serious, yet almost cracking a silly smile, side.

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1 comment:

Lea @ CiCis Corner said...

So glad to have you back, I've missed you! I so well remember the "empty nest" and the adjustments it brought, but once adjusted, it is a wonderful time.

What a special Christmas with another "gran" going to be born. What a cute Mommy!

Blessings to you this special season of the year!


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