To my Pastor,
Thank you for pouring hours and hours into your study and sermon preparation each week as you listen to the Holy Spirit lead you.
Thank you that His praises are continually on your lips and He is the mediation of your heart.
Thank you that prayer is essential in your life. You pray continually with confident faith and you encourage and teach others that prayer is “the engine that drives the church”.
Thank you for allowing the love of Jesus to pour through you to many people. Some are easy to love, and others— not-so-lovable. You put your faith and love into action by your kind words and sacrificial giving day after day, hour after hour. The door to your office is always open for anyone who needs to share their burdens. Late night or the wee hours of the morning do not stop you from going to minister to a family in crisis.
Thank you for you being real. You humbly share from your heart and your life experiences. You are the same at church as you are outside of church.
Thank you that in your realness, you are not ashamed to shed a tear. The tears you shed when your heart is hurting with a family or that is shed over the awesomeness of what Jesus did on the cross serve as a beautiful reminder of the love inside you and that you are NOT ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Thank you for being a servant-leader. I watch in amazement at how you sacrificially put other people and their needs before your own. Many times I have seen you waiting at the end of the line for food at a covered dish dinner. You never hesitate to roll-up your sleeves to help the church set-up/break-down crew. You never hesitate to teach the Youth or the children when there is a need. You graciously jump at the opportunity to push a wheelchair down the hall of the nursing home after monthly outreaches.
Thank you for being content with much and content with little. Thank you that when there are times of 'little' you do not worry, instead you have faith that God will provide according to His glorious riches.
Thank you for loving your family unashamedly. You are a godly father to your two daughters. You have exhibited to them what to look for in a godly man. You love, cherish, respect and support your wife at all times. You love her as Christ loved the church.
I know as you read this letter of appreciation that I have attempted to write, you are probably shaking your head and humbly saying, “it’s not me. It is ALL The Lord”. That is so true. Please know, Pastor Jim, I pray for you daily. I admire and respect you and the transforming power of Christ that is working in your life. Thus, the point of my letter is to publicly say I love you and appreciate you more than you will ever know.