Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Help Support orphans in Peru

Jim and I met with Sam today.  She is a wonderful, Godly young  woman .  I have known Sam since she was a youth in a local youth group.  (Amanda and Sam went to Mexico on a mission trip about 8 years ago.)

Sam lives in Peru now.  She has recently spent two years of her life volunteering at an orphanage in Peru.  She basically took a leap of faith, depleted her savings account, sold her car and moved to help this Christian orphanage.   She is home for a few weeks and is getting ready to return to Peru.  She is not going back to the orphanage to serve but she is waiting on The Lord to show her the next “season” of her life.   

Sam blessed my heart today as she is trying to get the word out about “Hogar De Esperanga” (Home of Hope).    One of the things that impressed me most is that since she is not returning to the orphanage she is not in any way trying to raise personal support.  She is only motivated by the deep love she has for the children and her desire to see  the work at the orphanage continue.  She wants to help spread the word to as many as will listen.  

I sat as she told story after story (with pictures) about the orphans that are in the home.   It is hard to fathom the stories behind the precious faces.  Heart wrenching. 

As Sam talked to us, I noticed her necklace.  It continued to catch my eye during our meeting.  I finally asked her about it (it reminded me of Skittles).   She explained that the orphans make the necklaces out of seeds (and paint them).  Then they sell them for $10.   The money is divided.  Half goes to support the work of the orphanage and the other half goes to an account for the orphan to use when they turn 18 and have to live on their own.

I knew immediately I wanted a necklace.  Sam did not have them with her but she went home and brought back several for me to choose from.

Here is the one that caught my eye:

The tag names the little boy who made the necklace.

I noticed some beautiful purple “seeds” in one of the bags.  She told me they were bracelets.  I decided I “needed” a purple bracelet too! (to match my purple pinky).  I randomly picked a purple bracelet :

And the name tag was this:

God wink?  ABSOLUTELY???    Anyone want to go to Peru with me to meet Fernando and help out??

If you are interested in buying a necklace or bracelet let me know.  I can “hook you up!!”.   If you are in my area and want to hear Sam share her story (and the stories of the orphans),  she will be speaking at our church (www.ccfnet1.org)  on Sunday, July 11th.  She will have the bracelets and necklaces available to purchase that day as well.

Here are some more link in case you are lead to do anything for this ministry:

www.perukids.com  (orphanage site)

Please pray for them!!  

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