Monday, April 25, 2011


I’ve been trying to read more lately.  If it wasn’t for words, I’d like reading.  Words.  I don’t much like them.  I’ve said before if we could communicate in pictures life would be easier for me.  

My issue is not really reading but more comprehending and remembering.   I like to read-- I just don’t do it well.  I do it very slowly.  **Insert Dr. Phil moment here – I remember being placed in the First Grade Red Bird reading group (Advanced Readers) only to find myself weeks later in a meeting with my mom and teacher in which I was re-assigned to the Blue Bird Reading Group (slow readers)**.

Obviously, I’m not at a lack for words.  I can write my random musings in a novel  fashion.  Shoot--I could carry on a lengthy conversation with a wall.  Proof in point, I am now rambling.....

Back to reading.  I am currently reading a few books at one time (and yes, that can get a wee bit confusing at times).   Currently, I am reading books by Francis Chan, Angela Thomas and Ann Voskamp.  

I have almost finished reading “One Thousand Gifts” (by Ann Voskamp).  I have found it intriguing.  Ann's writing is deep, wordy and descriptive yet heart piercing.  I am slowly making my way through the book and it is challenging me to be more grateful in all things in life with the end result being joy.  The website explains more but a quick summary from the site says:
One Thousand Gifts is a celebration of grace and a recognition of the power of gratitude 
Each Monday on Ann's website people link-up to share their list of gifts (working toward a list of 1,000).   Last week, I started a One Thousands Gifts journal.  I plan to keep most of my journal personal for my own reflection, however, on this Monday following Easter I want to share some of me weekend's gifts of gratitude.  I am grateful for:

  • My dad seeing his great grand-daughter Easter Sunday through Skype

  • Another Easter shared with my amazing husband (who delivered a powerful sermon of Truth yesterday on Easter Sunday)

  • Receiving a phone call Sunday afternoon from my daughter asking me if it had snowed in VA?  Reason being, she woke up and took her baby girl to church (by her own choice and not mom making her) to celebrate the resurrection .  

  • My baby girl who is WAY taller than her mom.

What is on your gratitude list today?

"The feeling of joy begins in the action of thanksgiving."  ~T. Peckover

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Anonymous said...

I'm very similar. I often read more than one book at once. I usually don't remember too much of what I read. I love reading though!!!

That is a great list. I have heard good things about Ann's book.

Lea @ CiCis Corner said...

Love the idea of the gratitude list and am thinking it would be a good thing for me to begin. Pretty pics! Happy day!


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