Monday, June 21, 2010

17 Kids and counting--- The Fick Version

When we think of a mother having  17 children, most would automatically think of the popular TV Family, The Duggars.   I personally am a fan of the Duggar Family and admire, respect and appreciate what they stand for as Christians.  Not long ago I asked my dad to watch The Duggar Show, to which he laughingly replied: 

 “My mother had 17 children and she didn’t have a TV show!!”.  

 I couldn’t help but to chuckle at Pop’s disinterest in the TV show.   Though I am fascinated with a large family and how they manage from day to day, my dad is not so fascinated.  He knows first hand how large families function because he lived it.   My Pop is the youngest boy of 17 children.   His stories fascinate me.  You know the proverbial, “ We woke up at 5:00 am and had to milk the cow and feed the chickens with a foot snow on the ground before we went school,” or “we use to walk uphill to school with no shoes” or “at Christmas we were thrilled to receive an orange and apple as a gift”.  

 One of my favorite memories my dad shares is the one where he recounts the fact that they grew-up with out TV, internet or computer games.  They regularly passed time by moving all the furniture around in the den, putting on some music and “cutting the rug” for hours.  (And boy—you should see those Ficks dance!!!  )

This past weekend we had the pleasure to attend our Fick family reunion.   It has been many years since we had this opportunity but what a blessing it was.  We were reunited with family from all over the country and I  “met” (yes, MET) family I never knew I had.

Jordyn, Jim, Me, Mom (in front), Pop, Ryan (my brother) and Holly 

  My dad and his family have always exhibited a very close bond.  They have a tie that no one can break and most can not even understand.  They are some of the most giving, loving, servant-hearted, comical people I have ever met.  Through the years the Fick brothers and sisters (most are in their 70’s or older) have remained a very close family.  Though I personally have vague memories of my Grandma and Grandaddy Fick I have heard accounts of  my grandmother’s commitment to The Lord and to prayer.    As I think of the legacy my grandparents  left,  Psalms 127  comes to my mind: 
  3Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward.
  4As arrows are in the hand of a warrior, so are the children of one's youth.
    5Happy, blessed, and fortunate is the man whose quiver is filled with them! They will not be put to shame when they speak with their adversaries [in gatherings] at the [city's] gate.  (Ampliphied Version)

When studying this verse this morning my Life Application Bible commentary lends a MUCH needed reminder to our society:

"Too often children are seen as liabilities rather than assets.  But the bible calls children “a heritage from the Lord”, a reward.  We can learn valuable lessons from their inquisitive minds and trusting spirits.  Those who view children as a distraction or nuisance should instead see them as an opportunity to shape the future.  We dare not treat children as an inconvience when God values them so highly”

Thank you to Grandma and Granddaddy Fick for the legacy and example you have left behind through your lives and your children.

Grandma and Grand-daddy Fick

50th Wedding Anniversary Celebration

A Few Pictures from The Fick Family Reunion 2010


Anonymous said...

I sure do LOVE that CRAZY Fick Family :)

Our Family for His Glory said...

I really enjoyed reading this- as we have 5 kids... not 17, but still get aahhed & ooohed over :). You have a cute family! I'm visiting from CSAHM!


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