Sunday, October 31, 2010

Give Thanks With a Grateful Heart

I am linking-up with my friend and fellow blogger, Rebekah over at her web site, A Lady In Waiting.   Starting November 1st through Thanksgiving day  I will be joining other bloggers by posting one thing I am thankful for.   If you have a blog and would like to join this 'corporate blog praise', please hop over to Rebekah's site, link-up and grab her button.

Is it okay if I start a day early????? (this is obviously leading to a grandma moment)

 I'm thankful for my precious little bumble bee. buzz buzz.

My precious little grand baby

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Ladies--get 'em checked....

Will you please join me in prayer for my sister-in-law, Mary Beth today?  Thank you!

(And, if you have not already done so (and if you are over 40) be sure to have The Girls checked!)

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Flashing Back

I am in a nostalgic mood for some reason, I guess it is just 'In The Air Tonight'.   Tomorrow is Friday.  Flashback Friday for many radio stations and even blog sites.  I like to flash back on occasion.   'Time After Time' my flashback always lands me back in the 80’s.   For years, I have tried to pass along my 80’s Culture to my girls (after all, 'Girls Just Wanna Have Fun', right?).  I have attempted to teach the girls to moonwalk so they can 'Bust a Move like their dear 'ol mom.  (Yes, these dance lessons with the girls often occurred in our socks on the kitchen floor during what we called our P.E. time in our home school years).
 I loved the 80’s.  The music, the clothes (well, not really the clothes) but I especially loved the 80’s BIG hair.  My inner 80’s girl has teased and sprayed my hair for 20 plus years.  I tried to pass along the tease and spray to the girls too. Amanda is almost there. Jordyn, on the other hand, is rather 'Straight Up' and detests teasing and spraying with a passion.

One recent night after prayer meeting, (I can't resist inserting this song: Living On A Prayer), a dear friend of mine and I were discussing hairsprays.  I have been searching for a new product because the one I had used for years was recently discontinued. ('I Can’t Go For That').  We had confession time and admitted we were both holding on to the 80’s crunchy hair.   My friend recommended I try her hairspray. (Thank you Evelyn M., I owe you big time!!) It was love at first spray.

 All I can say is that it is most definitely the crunch-tastic spray I have been longing for and after all, that is 'My Perogitive'.

For Flashback Friday, I had to dig out one of my favorite old pictures of my oldest daughter, Amanda.  This was taken after our trip to the Pumpkin Patch when she was about two. (can I just insert 'Thriller' at this point in the post since I have been dying to include it and can't find the right place??  Thanks!)

Amanda recently sent me this picture of herself with her own little “pumpkin”

While scanning the above pictures into the computer, Jordyn asked me what I was doing.  I told her I was looking for pumpkin pictures for my flashback Friday post.  Poor Jordyn—we don’t have one picture of her with a pumpkin.    Jordyn commented that the fact that we have "no pumpkin pictures is just one more way she was jipped by being born last."

So, Jordy—here is a Flashback picture of you so you don’t feel jipped.

Speaking of Jordyn she recently took some photographs ('Freeze Frame') for us.  She wanted to practice her photography and play around with some lighting.  Here are a few of her shots:

For all of you that read this blog, I appreciate you letting me be my goofy self. If you know me, you know I am not 'Too Shy'.   If you really need something inspirational, then for all my 'Sister Christians' (my CCF Peeps), how about: 'Don't Stop Believing'!!!

Friday, October 15, 2010


I have been at war for years.  A war with…….shoes.   The area by my front door looks like a warzone on most days.  Invaded with shoes.  Old shoes, new shoes, clean shoes, smelly shoes.  Shoes, shoes, shoes! They seem to multiply faster than rabbits. 

I have tried every organizational tactic out there and finally settled on a basket to put our shoes in when we take them off.  (It doesn’t work though…it still overflows.)

When my girls were younger,  I termed the area by the door “Shoeville”.   On any given day at any given moment I would impatiently declare, “Shoeville has too many members”.  Or as I’d throw shoes up the stairs toward their respected rooms, I’d yell, “Shoeville members coming through”.    The girls recognized mom’s “battle cry” and they were quick to run to the battlefield front lines and clean-up their shoes.

Years have passed and my girls are grown.  Interestingly enough, Shoeville still lives on.   I walk through the war zone every time I go out my front door.  I laughed today as I surveyed the area.  Once there were tiny little Mary Janes or Barney Tennis Shoes thrown about.   Now we have “grown-up” shoes in Shoeville.    As much as I wish I could find organization for this area, I have decided to have a new attitude about the war zone.   Instead of a source of frustration, I am going to allow it serve as a reminder of the many blessings I have in my life.   
I am blessed to have shoes to wear, some do not.  I am blessed to have a family that thinks that our house is a home, some do not have families that love them unconditionally.  I am blessed to have friends that are comfortable enough to kick off their shoes (in Shoeville) and make themselves at home. I am blessed to have a little puppy that just chewed up one member of Shoeville as I was typing this blog (no lie)!

I can not imagine life without Shoeville, USA.   Long live Shoeville!!

Sunday, October 10, 2010


Even though I blogged yesterday, I wanted to post a quick note since today is 

Amanda just posted these pictures of my little grand-daughter, Jaelynn.  Hard to believe that in a few days baby Jaelynn will be 6 months!

I think she is so happy because her daddy is home from his deployment.  They were reunited this week.

Saturday, October 09, 2010

Diary of a Wimpy Woman

Zoo-Wee Mama!!

(photo from

I had the silly pleasure of watching "Diary of a Wimpy Kid" this week. (How old am I? That's right..I'm still a kid at heart!)    In case you are not familiar with the movie it basically chronicles the life of Greg Heffley and his best bud, Rowley Jefferson, as they start their adventures into the dreaded middle school years.  Based on the books by Jeff Kinney, the movie had me laughing to the point of tears.  In the movie, Greg Heffley's goal is to get voted "Class Favorite" for the yearbook.  He went to great lengths to achieve his goal and to win the approval and attention of his peers.  At one point, he jeopardizes his friendship to 'save face'.    As one would expect (and as many of us have experienced), poor Greg fails greatly at earning the approval of others and trying to be something he is not.  

Reflecting back to the movie, I started thinking that at times, like Greg, maybe I have the same middle school mentality.  Wonder what my animated Wimpy book would look like if I could have one (which...side note...I Wimped Myself for fun.  click here for Wimped Beck ).   Could I possibly be trying to seek the approval of others--still??  After all these years? 

Am I now trying to win the approval of men, or of God? Or am I trying to please men? If I were still trying to please men, I would not be a servant of Christ.  Galatians 1:10

 Do I want to fit in and in my efforts to do so, forsake my beliefs and even deny Jesus in the process?  Do I care more about what others think than what The Lord thinks?  Do I say what I think people want to hear so that I don't offend people?  Are my motives always pure or are they self seeking and self focused?  Am I content just being who I am (the woman The Lord has made for His purpose) or am I striving to be like someone else?   

In the end, Greg had a wise friend that said to him, "One day middle school will end and become high school. And after that, it just becomes life. And all those things you think are important now won't be anymore."

Take hope!  We, too, have a Wise Friend.  His name is Jesus.  His Word is True.  He will show us the way.  The only approval in life that we need is from Him.  I'll leave you with this encouragement from His eternal Word:

"And this world is fading away, along with everything that people crave. But anyone who does what pleases God will live forever." 1 John 2:17

Friday, October 01, 2010

9 Doors Down

I recently read the following blog post and I just have to share it with you.  The post made me think.  It convicted me.  It is truly eye opening!!  In the rush and busyness of life, may we not forget about those around us each day.  Those that The Lord has put in our path for His purposes.  
Those that may be 9 Doors Down......

(If you want to read the original post by Karen Ehman on her blog from September 17, 2010, please click here.)

9 Doors Down by Karen Ehman

She lived nine doors down.
In the two years we’ve lived in this subdivision, I’d seen her on my walks.
Perhaps she was rolling her trash out to the curb. Or in her front yard watering her flowers.
I’d smile and said “hi”, just for a brief second.
After all, my neighborhood is big; my life is busy.
So I’d pop my Ipod earbuds back into my ears.
And I’d keep walking.
Nine doors down.
Just nine doors down this past week flashed lights and sirens and all things alarming.
A fire? I thought as I turned into my sub, returning from  an errand-running venture.
My mama heart raced. My son was home alone. Had he burnt some toast and set the smoke alarm system blaring?
Or worse?
Had a car caught fire or a power line fallen?
As my car crept closer to home, I saw it was not my house. Relief for my soul. And though the rescue vehicles were parked in front of her house, no fire appeared to be blazing at my nine-doors down neighbor’s house either.
“Must have been a false alarm”, I reasoned to myself.
It was two days later when I heard the awful news.
No fire. No smoke. Just a saddened soul.
You see, nine doors down, something happened in the soul of my nameless, flower-watering, ‘smile and say hi’ fellow human being; something told her this life was not worth living anymore.
So she made sure she stopped living.
Her heart no longer beats.
Her flowers still grow, but she can’t water them anymore.
I can still walk by her house, lost in the Jesus-music blaring on my Ipod.
But there will be no more waves. No smiles as I stroll. And no more thoughts of, “I should stop and find out her name. I haven’t really met this gal yet.”
But the conversation my husband and I have had for the past year will continue. Perhaps with greater urgency now.
In our old neighborhoods (there have been three) we’ve made it a goal to offer a Bible study. A low-key, doesn’t-matter-if-you’ve-ever-gone-to-church-before, short and simple meeting of folks who all happen to live in the same development.
Todd does this at work too. Men and women meet on their breaks to gather round and meet Jesus. Many for the first time. Their curiosity is piqued when they are handed a flier announcing the short, you-don’t-need-to-know-nothing-”Jesus-y“-to-attend  study.
Others in his factory throw the flier in the trash.
Yes, right after Todd hands it to them.
In our neighborhood, we’ve not yet passed out fliers. Is it too soon? We haven’t held a Christmas open house to meet everyone yet. We’ve baked bread and pulled weeds for those real near by. But haven’t struck a friendship with too many others.
So we’ve pondered, is it time?
And do we have time?
So far we’d answered no.
Now, nine doors down, no flier is needed for the single gal who is no more.
Would things have been different if she’d gotten an invitation? Or would she have rolled it out to the curb with the rest of her trash?
God only knows.
I cannot beat myself up; but I can do something.
So can you.
We can stop, permitting God to tap us on the heart,  gently interrupt, and rearrange our day.
We can go deeper; beyond a “hi!” to an authentic “Who areyou?”
Will you do it?
Will you at least try?
Then, leave the results up to God.
Results are His job.
Obedience is ours.
And trust me, it is AWFUL to get to know your neighbor through the tales and tears of her relatives as she lies lifelessly nearby in a coffin.
“Anyone, then, who knows the good he ought to do and doesn’t do it, sins.” James 4:17
May we all respond to those taps on our hearts today and not ignore them and keep walking. God just may use us as He saves a life.
After all, remember…..
It isn’t a far walk.
It is just nine doors down.
If you hear God tapping too, will you respond? Will you think of one person whom you see often but have never gotten to know? Then, do something.
Ask them their name. Thank them for bagging your groceries faithfully for ten years. Hand them a thank-you card if they are someone who serves. If it is a neighbor, invite them for coffee or soda or sweet tea. Offer kind words or a hug. Anything to show God’s love. Who in your life is just ‘nine doors down’? 


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