Friday, March 04, 2011

I don't know why you say goodbye. I say hello

My Mr. Brown plastic coffee thingy doesn't know why I say goodbye, 

photo from

Maybe it is because yesterday I found the perfect accessory for my purple pinky:

So, I say hello, hello, hello! Isn't she lovely?!  A perfect fit.  I've toted my brown coffee carry along for a year now (coffee in hand is a must..I admit I'm addicted to my caffeine).  I've seen pink and blue but never a purple Copco.  As you can only imagine it was love at first sight.  In addition, kudos to my local Kroger for having my new purple lovely on sale for just $4.99 this week! (Maybe I should have picked up more than one.....)

I love going green when it is so, well, so.... purple!

(During my little impromptu photo shoot, Zuzu decided she wanted to play with my new cup and hide her bone in it!)

My purple Copco is perfect timing for Company Girls Coffee! 

 That's right, it's Friday and I am linking up with that gals over at Rachael Anne's Home Sanctuary.  These gals are amazing!!  Feel free to grab a cup of coffee and join us.

**Oh one last random thing (you know me and random!)  I'm looking for a good recipe for healthy wheat bread.  If you have one will you let me know?  Thanks!
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Diane said...

Love your new coffee cup! The purple is perfect (and I adore your purple pinky and all it stand for). Though I do think you are right - you may want to go back and pick up one (or two) more to have in reserve.

Jennibell said...

Thanks for stopping by today -- good to "meet" you. Love your purple coffee cup, and love,love,love your purple pinky too!!
Wish I had a recipe to share. . .have you tried the Tasty Kitchen blog (from the pioneer woman)?

Lea @ CiCis Corner said...

Oh, don't you just love those cups. I have about 5 of them that I found at Tuesday Morning last year for a "real deal." Love that you found a purple one, how appropriate!

Blessings for a wonderful weekend!

Wendy said...

AHHHHH....Becky I absolutely LOVE it....You know purple is my favorite color too. I wish I had a Kroger out this way. When I was in VA, I always went to the one there in Chester...I miss it....Sooo sad....wonder if I can find one somewhere else.... :)

Marianne said...

Hi, love love purple and I need a new coffeecup, I'll have to go see if I can find one of these.
I have a bread recipe on my blog. You are welcome to come over and check it out.
Take care.

Marianne said...

Hi, love love purple and I need a new coffeecup, I'll have to go see if I can find one of these.
I have a bread recipe on my blog. You are welcome to come over and check it out.
Take care.

Karen said...

Purple is my favorite color:)

I've found some wonderful bread recipes at Salad in a Jar ( She's a terrific cook and has so many good ideas! Her wheat bread recipe is the one I use.

Anonymous said...

Love it! I have never seen that before.

Sorry, no bread recipes over here. I've only made quick breads.

FYI - My little one learned 5 signs from the last DVD which we checked out for 3 weeks, and the girls watched a new one today and she learned 2!!

Enjoy your weekend!

mholgate said...

Oh yes...I love that cup and I want one! :) Purple is a MUST!

Have a great weekend!


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