Friday, December 02, 2011

Only A Mom - Day 1 Gift

They are not mine.  They belong to Him.  Yet, my heart overflows with thanksgiving that He loaned them to me to nurture and raise. They make me laugh.  They make me cry.  They are the reason for my grey hairs (kidding).  I miss the days when they were little but I am so proud of each of them and the beautiful, Godly young women they have become. 

I am thankful for the gift of being a mother.

Some things only a mom can do. Only a mother can powder a baby’s behind with one hand and hold the phone with the other. Only a mom can discern which teen is entering the door just by the sound of the key in the lock. Only a mom can spend a day wiping noses, laundering enough socks for the Yankees, balancing a checkbook down to $1.27, and still mean it when she thanks God for her kids. Only a mom. Some things only a mom can fix. Like Hamburger Helper without the hamburger.Like the cabinet door her husband couldn’t and his bruised ego when he found out that she could. Broken shoelace? Broken heart? Breaking out on your face? Breaking up with your sweetheart? Moms can handle that. Some things only a mom can fix. Some things only a mom can know. The time it takes to drive from piano lesson to Little League practice? She knows. How many pizzas you need for a middle school sleepover? Mom knows: How many Weight Watcher points are left in the day and days are left in the semester? Mom can tell you. She knows. We men usually don’t. The kids are usually clueless.
Moms are a breed apart.
 ~ Max Lucado (pg. 89 - Next Door Savior)

Also, today I am thankful to link up with my buddies at Company Girl.  I have missed them!  

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Renaissance Women said...

Hello Becky,

I'm here from Company Girls. What a beautiful picture. I am also thankful for being a mom. It's the single greatest blessing of my life.

Have a great weekend!

Cassandra / A Renaissance Woman

One More Equals Four said...

Love it! there is just something about us moms!!! :)

Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

Missed ya!! Glad to hear from you for Coffee! I feel the same way about my really, God? I can borrow them for awhile? Thanks!! I don't deserve them, but wow, what a privilege. Blessings to you as we enter this Christmas season. Take care and have a great weekend!


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