Thursday, February 04, 2010

Keep on truckin' (for Jesus)

 Saw this great poem on Courtney's blog last week. I have needed to read and re-read this a lot recently. 

(BTW--being in ministry doesn't necessarily mean you are on staff at a church as a "minister".  Maybe you are a stay at home mom ministering to those precious gifts from God.  Maybe you minister to your co-workers each day. Maybe you minister through your blog or Facebook.  Regardless of who you minister too-- you have a ministry!!  Keep on doing it all in the name of Jesus.  Don't quit.  Press on even when it is tough.  Our reward in heaven will be great.) 


Ministry is....

Giving when you feel like keeping...

Praying for others when you need praying for...

Feeding others when your own soul is still hungry...

Living truth before people when you cannot see results...

Hurting for others when your own hurts cannot be spoken...

Keeping your word when it is not convenient...

Being faithful when your own flesh wants to run away.

-Author Unknown 

1 comment:

His Doorkeeper said...

Great truth to that poem! Thank you for the testimony/sweet words on my daughter's post!

God is ALWAYS at work! We just need to get in on it!

Kelly's Mom,


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