Friday, April 29, 2011

A Royal Friday

The day has finally arrived for a wedding of royal-fashion.  While some could care less, I am personally excited to see this event as it unfolds.  The dress, the shoes, the entourage, the hats, the CAKE....oh my!!  It's almost too much for this romantic heart to endure....(enough for me being melodramatic).  At the end of last year, I wrote about my own royal appointment.  Since it may be possible that I will be glued to the TV watching along with millions of other viewers, I will share my thoughts from my previous blog post:

Recently I heard a friend describe her memories of her mother’s daily quiet time.  She told me her mother would make time for prayer and Bible reading each day.  If her children would whine about her leaving them to go be alone, the mother would simply - but confidently tell them she had “an appointment, --an appointment with The King”.

There is much talk about the upcoming Royal Wedding that will take place next Spring.   I hate to admit this but Royal weddings have always interested me.   Imagine for a moment receiving an invitation to the Royal wedding next year.  If it were my invite, I'd be instantly thinking about what I was going to wear, who would be there, would I have a spot of tea (though I'd prefer a cup of java) with the Queen?  
Of course this is silly but my ever wondering mind ponders scenarios like this from time to time.   After amusing myself with this non-sense I immediately remembered the Royal invite that I (and you) have been extended on a daily basis.  The King of kings has extended an invitation to spend time with me (and you) at HIS THRONE at any given time.  He is not just a king but THE King.    Yet, often I am guilty of neglecting my royal invitation on a regular basis as I hurry on to things that are temporal. 

 Oh how thankful I am that the invitation has been extended.  We are invited to enter His courts through prayer to tell Him our deepest fears and our most painful struggles.  We can even enter His royal court and just cry, if needed.  He is always there to meet with us and He eagerly awaits our time together. 
Will you join me in being intentional with our schedules and appointments - especially with the daily Royal Appointments?  
And just for fun on this Royal (and fun) Friday, if my man and I planned a big royal style wedding (or vow renewal) this would be my dream dress:

photo from Dizzie Lizzie

Linking up with my buddies at Company Girls over at Rachel's blog.  

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1 comment:

Lea @ CiCis Corner said...

Oh, I do love that dress! :o)

What a great post and from now on I will look at my time with HIM as a Royal Appointment. I love that term!

Oh, 20 hours away. Ugh! Mine will be about 14, so 20 makes 14 sounds more doable.

Blessings for a beautiful Sabbath!


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