Thursday, November 05, 2009

Married to the Ministry: Scavenger Hunt

So, I am joining in the fun of an on-line scavenger hunt with other Pastor's Wives in hopes to win a prize. Here goes:

1. First Name - Becky (though I normally go by Beck, Beckums or even Barky)

2. State and Country of Residence - VA

3. Husband’s Ministry Title - Senior Pastor

4. Length of time in Current Ministry Location. - 5 years

5. Children? If yes, give gender and ages - Two amazing girls 17 and 22 years old. Also a precious Yorkie

6. Number of unique homes in which you’ve lived during your marriage - 2

7. Cook Sunday lunch or eat out? Crockpot works-- but hey--we are always open for a free invite to eat out. :)

8. Typically on time for Sunday School or not? On time for S.S. but normally late for set-up crew

9. Favorite TV Show - 18 Children and Counting (love those Duggars), Say Yes to The Dress, What Not to Wear--basically anything on TLC

10. Something you watch/like/do that you would never tell the church people. (Except now you just did…lol)- Hmmm----I think our church people know I have NOTHING to hide! :) I try to live a very transparent life.

11. Most annoying church-related pet peeve - When people close their Bibles, pack their belongings and even get up to go to the bathroom during the invitation time.

12. One thing you need to throw away but can’t bring yourself to do it - Old home school papers/records.

13. The one food you can not live without - Anyone who knows me already knows the answer--Ice cream (especially Maggie Moos!!)

14. Parsonage or have your own home? own

15. Freak when the doorbell rings or always ready for a visitor? Freak? That's an understatement. The church office is my house, not to mention we live here, home school here... so basically our house is like a college dorm room. I need to hang a sign on the door that says, "Enter at your own risk".


rachelw said...

We homeschool too, and all of the homeschool "stuff" has a way of taking of the house, doesn't it?

So nice to meet you!

Cheryl said...

Hey Becky!
You must've been 5 when you had your 1st child! You look way to young to have a 22 yr. old.

So nice meeting you!

rachel said...

Cheryl took the words right out of my mouth! Girl, you do not look old enough to have a 22 year old! And I love me some TLC too!

Jennifer said...

We're a homeschooling family, too!

Cathy said...

Yummy Maggie Moo's!

Mary Beth said...

Ice cream is my fav!!!! Love your blog layout. Mine needs major help... and can I say... that is either an OLLLLLDDDD pic or you look mahvelous dahling for having a 22 year old.

My son will be 22 in Feb. Where does time go?

Nice to meet ya!

Lisa @ The Preacher's Wife said...

House is like a college dorm room...Girl I FEEL YOU!! Mine smells like one too with three boys :))) So fun to meet you! :)


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