Sunday, September 26, 2010

Make 'Em Laugh

Sunday night football is on and I am parked on the couch enjoying a nice rainy night at home.  I decided to blog but could not think of a thing to say (imagine that!  Little 'ol me speechless...this could be a good one) so I though I'd put some random things out there.  This blog post is pretty much meaningless but here goes:

  • These are my NEW favorites:
The amazing little (and very yummy) juice boxes are my new little discovery.  All natural fruit and veggie juice.  No added sugar (only from the fruit) and no preservatives. (I'm on a "no" sugar kick right now---and I am sure it will last until I see a Maggie Moos or until I get up from the couch).  I feel so healthy drinking these little boxes of juice packed with beet juice and other veggie/fruit blends.  I'm serious--they are super good.  For nutritional info check out their site at Apple and Eve.  I found mine at my local Food Lion.  

  • I am reading this book:

As a parent or grandparent, you know the challenges of raising healthy, happy teenagers. Every time you turn around, pop culture—with its negative images, violent videogames, and offensive music—derails your efforts and hard work. So how can busy moms and dads protect their children from today's toxic culture?  One step at a time.  In 30 Ways in 30 Days to Save Your Family, author Rebecca Hagelin lays out 30 simple and concrete actions that you can implement—one day at a time—to reconnect with your children and restore peace in your home.

 (For more, check out her web site here.)

  • I randomly thought about this game the other day:
I miss playing that with my girls!  

  • Jordyn and I watched this old musical as part of her Theater Class home work:

It makes me want to take dance lessons again. (Watching Debbie Reynolds makes me want an ibuprofen for my arthritic knees).  It may be my all time favorite musical.  Or at least my all time favorite for the week. 

  • Our women's group is getting ready to have a "Toilet Paper and P Party" (the "P" stands for pumpkin) and we are going to make these cute little pumpkins for our local nursing home residents:

  • I hope to make these Apple Nachos for the "P" party

So much for my "no sugar kick", huh?  

Picture and recipe is from Taste of Home (click here for recipe)

  • Amanda sent me this video today.   With the help of 'Singing In The Rain', this video is the inspiration of my blog post title.  This made me gush all over myself with pride.   (Be sure to turn your head sideways while watching.)

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth.....

Baby Jaelynn showing off her pearly whites for Mimi

Monday, September 20, 2010

Natural and Organic Decorations

I don't decorate for fall or Halloween.  To be honest, I have not done so since my girls were very little.  While it is nice for some, it is just not something I do.   The other day I was riding down the road noticing all the homes that had been decorated for fall/Halloween.  I wondered at that moment if I am the ONLY woman in my neighborhood that does not decorate for this occasion.  For a moment I almost allowed myself to get beat up by this--even thinking I was a bad mother/wife for not decorating the arrival of autumn to help add warmth to my home for my family....etc. etc.   (Of course, I know I fully redeem myself in my family's eyes by decorating six weeks early for Christmas.)  My thoughts almost landed in a frazzled state of mind and almost had me at my local Michaels buying some fake pumpkins and fall leaves.  Thankfully, my urge to "keep up with the Joneses" soon passed.  

This morning I was greeted with what I will call a "God Wink".  I absolutely had to laugh.  What others may see as down right gross, I saw as God showing off HIS amazing decorating skills on my front porch.  Obviously my non-domesticated, non-decorating ways do not catch Him by surprise.    It appears that my house IS decorated for fall and it gets decorated each year in a very natural and organic way: 


(Does this count as "going green" in the decorations area??)

On Saturday I had the great honor of sharing with a great group of women from Smyrna BC.  It was great fun and I am thankful for the opportunity to share what the Lord had put on my heart.  It seems that God was already working on my "God wink" Saturday when the ladies gave me beautiful fall mum for my porch.   Once again The Lord provided.  Why do I worry about the small stuff (or the big stuff)?  He is always faithful in ALL areas.  

Becky and Monica (Women's Leader at Smyrna BC)

The great group of WOG's (Women of God) from Smyrna.  

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

"I Do" 20 years later

Twenty years ago today I married the man of my dreams.  He is simply amazing and most definitely an answer to my prayers.  

Jim and I met at church in the singles group at a local church.  I was a single mom and my prayer to God was to send me a godly man that would not only love me but that would love my little blonde haired daughter too.  The Lord had the perfect man for the “job”.  

We dated four months.  I knew he was the one.  He proposed to me with a rock on the rocks at Myrtle Beach.  Two months later, on September 14, 1990 we were married.  

Since that day Jim has loved me like crazy.   I know that I am second to no one except Jesus and I am thankful for this fact.   Twenty years has gone fast but at times it seems like we have been married forever.  

We have both rocked some crazy hair styles and had our fair share of adventures (yes, even a few disagreements along the way). 

We have shared in plenty and in lack.  Health and sickness.  Joy and heart break.  Peace and chaos.  Thick and thin (I'm not talking waistlines).   

 Life has taken us places we never dreamed we would go, but through it all we have fixed our eyes on Jesus and He has carried us through it all.  

 What is our special secret to our twenty years of bliss?

Looking back I would answer that question with three keys: (1) making The Lord our main focus-- individually and together, (2) prayer (and lots of it!) and (3) intentional daily communication about any and EVERYthing. 

I can say I don’t love Jim like I did twenty years ago.  I love him more.  I love him deeper.  I will love him as long as I have breath.   

He is my best friend.  My BFF.

I want to grow old with him.  
Here's to 20 more!!!!

Happy Anniversary Jim.  I love you.  I'm yours!

I am my beloved’s, And my beloved is mine. Song of Solomon 6:3

Monday, September 06, 2010

Back To School Blues

For the past thirteen years, this time of year has found me writing lesson plans, getting our “class room” ready, preparing Beck’s cafĂ©’ menu and praying desperately for The Lord’s help for another upcoming home school year.

This year the back to school routine is no more.  (insert loud sigh)   Since Jordyn’s recent homeschool high school graduation I have been thinking and praying about this new season of my life and what the future holds for me. I have been desperately asking The Lord guide me according to His will for me. 

  A few weeks ago I was given a ‘lead’ for a part time job.  I was very interested and a bit excited.  Being a stay at home/home schooling mom the past thirteen years has left my resume a bit dusty.  Did I say dusty? Hmm…how about non-existent.    

Thinking about writing a resume left me baffled.   How do you summarize motherhood in a one page job description and include references?   ( I humored myself with the thought that I could list my children as my references but I have no guarantees that they would give me rave reviews unless I bribed them.)

Ready to write my resume, I opened a new Word document and started searching  “How To Write A Resume”.  
Here is one tip that I found very interesting:

The point of a resume is not to get the job, it's to get the interview. 

Thinking about a potential interview made me immediately think about the possible need for a new outfit (of course new shoes too).  My thoughts of a new outfit led me to chase rabbits looking online at the latest fall fashion trends.  Needless to say, I never typed my resume.

Tonight I found out the part time job opportunity did not work out.  Bummer.  Now I have no excuse to go buy a pencil skirt and heels.  In all seriousness I truly accepted this as a closed door from The Lord.

In my reading tonight I stumbled across Ephesians 2:10

God has made us what we are. In Christ Jesus, God made us to do good works, which God planned in advance for us to live our lives doing.

The words I read encouraged me and lifted my spirits.  I especially liked Francis Chan’s take on the verse:

 “He designed me for a specific work!”

Looks like I have a job after all.  Work that He created just for ME to do.  Work just for HIM!  He is my Boss. No resume needed, no interview required.  I am already hired!  He hired me before I was born!  And, come on, what company can beat HIS benefit package?

I pray that as I continue to seek Him for direction during this new season of my life that I will always look to His work as my primary work and any other work as my “second” job.  


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