Sunday, November 29, 2009

Beck The Baker...bake! bake! bake!

That great gal over at Kelly's Korner (who is one of my new friends--though she doesn't know it! lol) want us to show you our life by sharing our favorite Christmas tradition. I have two that come to my mind.

First tradition: Salty Christmas Cracker Candy
I don't cook. Plain and simple. Don't like it and don't want to like it. However, I DO LOVE to do me some bakin'! Christmas time is one of my favorite times to put on some Christmas tunes and get in the kitchen with my 72 ounce bag of chocolate chips. One of our yearly Christmas traditions is to make "Salty Cracker Candy". Basically it is a 'poor girls' version of some of the sea salted chocolates you will find at some higher end stores.

Here is the recipe for my "Salty Christmas Cracker Candy"

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Give Thanks

I will tell of the kindnesses of the LORD, the deeds for which he is to be praised, according to all the LORD has done for us— yes, the many good things he has done. Isaiah 63:7(a)

The blood of Jesus. My amazing husband. Two 'miracle' daughters (and one SIL and my soon to be grandbaby). Christian Parents. A brother who has been transformed. My house. My dog. My health. My taste-buds restored in time to eat today. Purple. Ice cream. Freedom. Being a woman. Precious friends. Hand-me-downs. Our church - CCF. My husband's job. Prayer. My new fav. Bible (NLT). Answered Prayer. Jordyn's job. Laughter. Grace. Waking up in my right mind (well....). Money to pay our bills. Healing. Memories. Snow. Regular dates with my hubby. Food on my table. Community Bible Study. Christmas. The blood of Jesus.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

What's Up Dawggg??

So Kelly at KellysKorner Blog is having "Show us your pet" day! If you know me--you know I love me some Yorkies!! So, I thought I'd join the fun. Here goes:

Our four pound Yorkie, Tillie

Amanda's Yorkie (I named her Venti!!)

Tilli posing for another picture.

The best Yorkie ever! Chester. I miss this dog--he was the BEST!!

Friday, November 20, 2009

It's Baby Burton's Birthday!!!

Happy 17th birthday Jordyn! I love you !!



Thursday, November 19, 2009

Once bitten, twice shy...

Oh my. I just can’t hold it in any longer….I just have to rant, vent or whatever you call it. I am a bit perplexed, I guess you could say. I’m just having a hard time with this latest movie and book craze that is ‘biting’ women of all ages. Not just teenage girls but married women. Yes, I am fully aware that there are two camps of people out there. Those that have read 'the books' and LOVE it and others who have not read the book or seen the movie, nor do they plan to do so. Do not misunderstand---my point of writing has nothing to do with vampires nor whether I think Christians should read these books or not. (The “should Christians read that” debate could take place around most fictional books.) My main perplexity and issue is not the book itself or even the movie. .

The problem I am having and the point of my writing is the blatant double standard. Seriously, I think this might be one of the biggest double standards that I can recall. I want to be real for a second. Let’s face it ladies….if our men (husbands, boyfriends) were sitting around reading books and talking about how ‘goo goo gaa gaa’ they are for some under age girl, then they were counting down the days until “she” appeared in the best movie ever and they even pre-bought tickets to see “her”--- we would be livid! We would be trash talking our men like there is no tomorrow. We’d have our panties in a MAJOR wad. For the other part of the double standard: What if you were the mother of a 17 year old boy and you had an adult woman “swooning” after him, wanting his face on a t-shirt, even throwing their panties at him. I think you’d be ready to label them as far worse than cougars. Imagaine this: if it were an adult man after our under age daughter—we’d label them as a pervert or worse. And last but not least for the examples: How about if our husbands wore a T-shirt that said, "Forbidden Fruit Tastes Best"? Why do these scenarios seem acceptable? Since this is all under the guise of fiction, it seems that we somehow think it is all okay? Why is it OKAY for us to behave this way as women yet demand the complete opposite from our men? That is what stumps me.

Maybe I am getting old. Maybe I am too traditional or conservative. Yet---maybe I know the slippery slope that the enemy wants to get us on so he can devour us. He wants our family. He wants our marriages. He is coy and sly. Lest you think I am on my high horse, I realize that no one is exempt from falling into temptation. Not even myself. My marriage is not exempt from attack. We must ALL walk circumspectly at all times to protect our marriages and our families. Someone recently told me they thought I should watch the movie or read the book series because they were sure I would love it! They could be correct. I might “love” it. I could escape reality for a few hours and enjoy the romance--ya know--the living vicariously through fiction. The problem is that I do not need anything else set before my eyes to tempt me. Do we not have enough trying to pull women away from their husbands and families?

I have many precious friends and family that love this book/movie. I am not judging anyone of you who read the book or watch the movies. You see, I am burdened for families. Christian marriages are under attack. We are bombarded with stress and temptations. Why do we need to fill our heads and hearts with fantasy that will leave us empty if our own relationship doesn't deliver what we fantasize that it should be? We open the door for the possibility of being left unsatisfied with what we have and longing for more. Day after day, Jim and I hear heartbreaking stories of married people having affairs (emotional and physical) and men being addicted to fantasy on the computer. Recently we have been reminded time and time again of the 'slow fade' that can innocently occur. Reminded by those who have let their guard down and found themselves in a situation with people of the opposite sex, situations that seemed innocent at the time—yet they will forever regret.

Does watching a movie or reading a book automatically mean we will slip down the slippery slope? Of course not. I do believe that sometimes we need to make choices for the overall benefit of our marriage and for our family regardless of what everyone else is doing, watching or reading. (If you are a mother, I truly believe we need to stop and remember that our children are watching us, listening to us and learning from our actions as well.)

So there you have it. As for me, now you know why I am opting out of this series. I personally need to be more careful about what I set before my eyes and fill my heart with. The last thing I need is more to try to get me to fall. Instead, I’ll run. I’ll flee from this one.

Friday, November 13, 2009

It's Beginning to look a lot like.......

Christmas in the Burton's house! Yippee!! Yesterday, on a whim, I put on my best little "sad" face and coaxed my darlin' hubby and precious teen to help me get the Christmas tree out of the attic. They begrudgingly agreeded. I even twisted Jordyn's arm to help me decorate by popping in the movie Elf. (side note: Elf is one of the best movies EVER!! Is anyone else out there sharing in "my affinity for elf culture?") Our tree is faaarrrr from fancy but it is full of many memories. I describe my tree as rather "eclectic", or even better "redneck whimsical". We have lots of cute ornaments and none of them match in color or in theme. Everything from homemade ornaments to beautiful glass ornaments don my tree.

And oh...the lights! The lights!! Lots of lights. I use both, color lights and clear lights. The load of color that sparkle and shine off the silver tinsel mesmerizes me. I love to turn off the den light and just stare at the colors that beam off the tree. Last night as I turned off the light and stared at the colors, I had one of those moments. Those "Ah ha!" moments with God. It was as if God was saying, "You ain't seen nothing yet Beck!". As beautiful as these Christmas lights are they are nothing compared to what we will see around the throne of The Lord in heaven:

At once I was in the Spirit, and there before me was a throne in heaven with someone sitting on it. 3And the one who sat there had the appearance of jasper and carnelian. A rainbow, resembling an emerald, encircled the throne. 4Surrounding the throne were twenty-four other thrones, and seated on them were twenty-four elders. They were dressed in white and had crowns of gold on their heads. 5From the throne came flashes of lightning, rumblings and peals of thunder. Before the throne, seven lamps were blazing. These are the seven spirits of God. 6Also before the throne there was what looked like a sea of glass, clear as crystal.

I can only imagine what a glorious scene we will see one day when we pass from faith to sight and see The Lamb on His throne. The Lamb that was slain for me. For you. The Lamb who died for my sins and for your sins. The Lamb that was born in a lowly manager to die on a rugged cross. The Lamb that will rule forever and ever. The Lamb whose name is Jesus. The Name above all Names. Do you know Him? He knows you. He has a gift for you. His gift is free. His gift is eternal life in Heaven that He offers to ALL who will humble themselves and cry out to him for forgivess of their sins. He loves you so much that He laid down His ALL for you. He is love. He is truth. He is life. He is coming again (and I believe it is soon). He is my Lord and Savior and I love Him!

Merry CHRISTmas (a wee bit early!)

Sunday, November 08, 2009

Ramblings from a MiMi 2 B

Don't you just LOVE your girlfriends? You know those of which I speak. Precious, Christian gals who are always there for you! I love my friends and am so thankful for each of them. You know the ones who pass you a mirror during Sunday School (because a little boogie is showing). Those that let you VV (verbally vomit) on them. Those that won't hesitate to tell you if your butt looks too big in your favorite pair of pants. Those that cry with you and laugh with you. Dance with you and eat ice cream!! Those that pray for you and with you. Those that remind you...that you haven't updated your blog to the fact you are going to be a Mimi. (Thanks April!) Yep--I'm going to be a grand....--uh, I mean-- I'm going to be a Mimi!!! (I am just not ready to embrace "grandma", "granny", or even "Nanny" but I am embracing the "Mimi" thing.) Amanda and her hubby, Josh are due at the end of April. She had her check-up last week and all is well. Heartbeat is strong. Hopefully next month we will find out if it is a boy or girl.

My oldest daughter, Amanda and her hubby, Josh, came to visit a few weekends ago. Here are some pictures:

My two beautiful girls

I couldn't resist squeezing Amanda's cheeks---like old times!!

Jim and our son-in-law Josh! Thank you Josh for serving our country in the US Army!!

Me, Jim, Amanda and JoJo at church

Amanda (my baby is having a baby!!) and Josh

Jordyn went to Liberty University's College for a Weekend. I missed her like mad!! She had a blast. She came home with gifts for her 'rents. She picked VERY appropriate gifts for us!

A polka dot coffee mug for me...and a perfect shirt for Jim!!
(Jim's shirt says : Liberty University--politically incorrect since 1971)

One last piece of randomness for this post. Jordyn told us about what Chris had put on Twitter recently. After reading his Tweets, I must say, I couldn't agree with him more. I will leave you with his thoughts. (Please note, I have intentionally left out the church name and replaced with ****** instead). Here is a snippet of his recent Tweet:

*******(church name) is spending 130 mil on a new building. They're calling it a spiritual oasis in downtown Dallas.Let me first say that they made it public so my following criticism is not gossip or neither meant to be judgemental...though it may be. To put it in perspective: $130mil would sponsor 307k kids through Compassion International. It could give 6450 homeless ppl a $20k job. Instead $130mil is being spent on buildings that will crumble within 100 years. That to me is painfully wasteful and naïve. It's naive to believe that an unbelieving world cares about how large or nice a church building is. A non believer cares nothing for what a building looks seems they care for what's in the hearts of the believers that fill the building. The complaints I hear from non-believers about Christianity isn't that our buildings aren't nice enough. It's that we aren't loving enough. It's that we spend ungodly amounts of money on shiny new buildings and shiny new cars for our 6 figure mega pastors. . Buildings aren't wrong. Gosh paying a pastor 6 figures isn't either. But when those things interfere with being able to do what God.has CLEARLY called us to do it becomes wrong. And let's just be honest: $130mil in buildings IS going to detract from God's commands

    Thursday, November 05, 2009

    Married to the Ministry: Scavenger Hunt

    So, I am joining in the fun of an on-line scavenger hunt with other Pastor's Wives in hopes to win a prize. Here goes:

    1. First Name - Becky (though I normally go by Beck, Beckums or even Barky)

    2. State and Country of Residence - VA

    3. Husband’s Ministry Title - Senior Pastor

    4. Length of time in Current Ministry Location. - 5 years

    5. Children? If yes, give gender and ages - Two amazing girls 17 and 22 years old. Also a precious Yorkie

    6. Number of unique homes in which you’ve lived during your marriage - 2

    7. Cook Sunday lunch or eat out? Crockpot works-- but hey--we are always open for a free invite to eat out. :)

    8. Typically on time for Sunday School or not? On time for S.S. but normally late for set-up crew

    9. Favorite TV Show - 18 Children and Counting (love those Duggars), Say Yes to The Dress, What Not to Wear--basically anything on TLC

    10. Something you watch/like/do that you would never tell the church people. (Except now you just did…lol)- Hmmm----I think our church people know I have NOTHING to hide! :) I try to live a very transparent life.

    11. Most annoying church-related pet peeve - When people close their Bibles, pack their belongings and even get up to go to the bathroom during the invitation time.

    12. One thing you need to throw away but can’t bring yourself to do it - Old home school papers/records.

    13. The one food you can not live without - Anyone who knows me already knows the answer--Ice cream (especially Maggie Moos!!)

    14. Parsonage or have your own home? own

    15. Freak when the doorbell rings or always ready for a visitor? Freak? That's an understatement. The church office is my house, not to mention we live here, home school here... so basically our house is like a college dorm room. I need to hang a sign on the door that says, "Enter at your own risk".

    Wednesday, November 04, 2009

    Carpet and blue bracelet

    I ran across this picture the other day and I just had to post it as a reminder of The Lord's faithfulness.

    I have taken Beth Moore's Believing God Bible Study two times. If you have taken this study then you know for 12 weeks you wear a blue bracelet to serve as a reminder that we can trust and believe God. After each study I have taken my bracelet off and 'tossed it'. End of story. Last year my blue (rope) bracelet re-appeared in a most unusual location. More on that in a moment.

    Jim and I have lived in the same house for 15 years. When we moved in the house our carpet was old and rather worn. Over the years we had wanted to replace the carpet, however, we never had the money to do so. By my own admission, I am "one of those" who prays for everything. Everything. Even carpet. We came close to saving enough money one year but our water pipe under the house broke and we had to repair t
    he pipe with our "carpet" money. I continued to pray about this issue.

    Last year, my 15 years of praying was answered. Our family received a major blessing from some precious Christian people---- new carpet (along with extra squishy padding!). When the old carpet was taken out of the house, guess what was found on the bottom of the old carpet? Yep! My blue "Believing God" bracelet.

    What are you believing God for? Whatever it is, don't quit praying. No matter how insignificant it may seem, no matter how long you have been praying, DON'T STOP! Keep praying!!


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