- I'm not 40, I'm simply eighteen with 22 years experience.
- Life begins at 40 -- but so do fallen arches, rheumatism, faulty eyesight, and the tendency to tell a story to the same person, three or four times. - William Feather
- Few women admit their age. Few men act theirs.
- Those who love deeply never grow old; they may die of old age, but they die young.
- The best years of a woman’s life - the ten years between 39 and 40.
- Wrinkles should merely indicate where smiles have been.
- Women deserve to have more than twelve years between the ages of twenty eight and forty. - James Thurber.
- We don't understand life any better at forty than at twenty, but we know it and admit it. - Jules Renard
- At age 20, we worry about what others think of us. At 40, we don't care what they think of us. At 60, we discover they haven't been thinking of us at all. - Ann Landers
- Life begins at forty. ~ W.B. Pitkin
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Blowing out some candles....
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Ready or not...Merry CHRISTmas
A menorah. Awesome, huh? I am not Jewish, as a matter of fact I am as Gentile as you can get. However, as a Christian I have always been very interested and fascinated in Jewish Culture and History. After all, I believe Jesus is the Messiah. The Anointed One who fulfilled the prophecies and is the promised son of David. Though I love the New Testament and read the Bible as a complete book, I have a tendency to favor the Old Testament (please no hate emails..thanks!). I love to study Jewish history and I have a great love for Jewish people as well as Israel. I guess if I had a bucket list (which I don’t) two things listed would be to get a degree in the study of the Old Testament and to learn Hebrew (of course Greek too). But for now, I am happy to study the OT as best as I can. Oh the joy to read the prophecies of the OT and see how Jesus fulfilled them.
One thing I recently did this past week was to re-study Hanukkah. The origins of this celebration and I even read some history from the book of the Macabees from the Apocrypha. Then I concluded with reading the passage where Jesus himself was at the Feast of Dedication (Hanukkah). In a nutshell, if Jesus celebrated it and it was part of his life then I want to know more!! Jesus Messiah!!
I thank the Lord for sending His Son to a lowly manger in order to die for our sins. Merry Christmas!
Isaiah 9:2-7 (Amplified Bible)
2The people who walked in darkness have seen a great Light; those who dwelt in the land of intense darkness and the shadow of death, upon them has the Light shined.(A)
3You [O Lord] have multiplied the nation and increased their joy; they rejoice before You like the joy in harvest, as men rejoice when they divide the spoil [of battle].
4For the yoke of [Israel's] burden, and the staff or rod for [goading] their shoulders, the rod of their oppressor, You have broken as in the day of [Gideon with] Midian.
5For every [tramping] warrior's war boots and all his armor in the battle tumult and every garment rolled in blood shall be burned as fuel for the fire.
6For to us a Child is born, to us a Son is given; and the government shall be upon His shoulder, and His name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father [of Eternity], Prince of Peace.
7Of the increase of His government and of peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David and over his kingdom, to establish it and to uphold it with justice and with righteousness from the [latter] time forth, even forevermore. The zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this.
Friday, December 12, 2008
Lazy Girls
Last night I had a craving. You know the type that hits you about 10:30pm. Insatiable urge to stuff your face with chocolate anythings?
It was too late to bake but I knew Mr. four pound bag was calling my name. Hmm..what to do with the chips at 10:30pm. After staring blankly into my cabinet for about 5 minutes my eyes spotted a box of Ritz crackers. I had some salty and sweet right at my fingertips. Then suddenly out of no where, deep from within my baker's heart...a master piece creation was born. My creativity amused me (note sarcasm here) and thus another Beckums creation burst forth in my kitchen, "Lazy Girls"
Ritz crackers, sprinkled with chocolate chips. Pop into the microwave for about 30 seconds and top with a pecan. Voila! Instant gourmet "Lazy Girls".
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Sweet 16
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Fill in the blanks
Purchased my 4.5 pound bag of Chocolate chips (oddly enough, the bag of chocolate chips is a tad bit larger than my 4 pound Yorkie!!).
While I am eagerly awaiting Christmas and all the preciousness that surrounds the celebration of Jesus’ birth, I am also excited about Thanksgiving. This Sunday is our church’s annual Thanksgiving service. It is one of my favorite services at CCF. Certainly one service you don’t want to forget your Kleenex. Anyone who is willing to share, has an opportunity to take the mic. and give thanks to The Lord. If you had a chance to give thanks to The Lord, what would you say? Could you think of one thing? Would you be able to fill a minute, an hour?
Our friends and missionaries, The Fowlers sent me the neatest little Thanksgiving prayer card in the mail this week. (The card is produced by Family Life ministries. Click here to order your copy!)
I want to share a few things from the card in hopes that you will begin to give thanks to The Lord.
(Read Philippians 4:12-13,19)
*I am thankful for _______that God gives us every day.
(Read. Deut. 8:3)
*Despite (and even because of)_________, I thank you for __________.
(Read James 1:2-4)
So, how would you fill in the blanks?
Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; His love endures forever. Psalms 107:1
Saturday, November 08, 2008
Just gotta say it.....
Just an FYI for Gov. Kaine...I pray in the name of Jesus!
(click here if you are in the dark at what has happened in good 'ol Virginia recently.)
Monday, November 03, 2008
Rock my vote!
The LORD is my ROCK, my fortress and my deliverer;
my God is my ROCK, in whom I take refuge.
He is my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.
I, like many others, will be glued to Fox News tomorrow night. And as we intently wait the outcome, may we be reminded that no matter what happens in this election we can be sure of one thing: Jesus,(The name above all names. The King of kings. The name by which we are saved.) will still be on the throne!!
So read my lipstick: you can be "fa'shur" I will certainly 'ROCK' my vote tomorrow.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Girls Just Wanna Have Fun......
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Flashing Back
Looking at these pictures made me even more thankful for the love of Jesus. I am not who I used to be. I have changed on the outside and inside! AMEN and Hallelujah. I have been transformed by the power of Christ who lives in me. And, the good news is that He is not finished with me yet! I am a work in progress.
I will post some pics from our Flashback Friday but until then...here are a few funny ones! (check out the hair, will ya?)
(BTW, Jim is not wearing a helmet...that is his hair!)
Saturday, October 18, 2008
We are Family...I got all my babies with me
Sunday, October 05, 2008
Fire Extinguisher – Hubby say WHAT?
Anyway, Friday we were preparing to head out of town to Maryland to participate in a missions conference. All was packed and we were just seconds from walking out the door when the following conversation took place:
Becky: Hey! What’s this doing sitting on the piano? (referring to my favorite hair product: super-duper root pump spray). I packed this in my bag already! (priorities, right ladies?)
Jim: I took it out.
Becky (gasp): You did WHAT? Why would you do THAT?
Jim: Do you really NEED that stuff?
Becky (eyeballs rolling, neck craned): NEED?
Jim: Yeah, you don’t need that stuff, do ya?
Becky (feeling her blood pressure rise): Yes, I NEED it!!!
Jim (examine the product in question): Well, it’s the size of a fire extinguisher!!!!!
My man has a point!
Wednesday, October 01, 2008
Stolen Trailer....counting it joy
Our church meets in a school and this is our 4th year of doing so. Since we meet in a school, we have a trailer that is pulled weekly to the school that we store all of our church belongings (i.e, sound equipment, microphones, keyboard, children's toys, play pen--basically anything you may need for a church). When we arrived at prayer meeting tonight, it came to our attention that our trailer was gone....yes, someone has stolen our church trailer with all of our church belongings. We had been parking the trailer at a nearby church (who has been nice enough to let us leave it on their property). Sure enough...it is gone. Crazy.
But, praise The Lord we have a place to meet, a place to gather together...we just have no stuff. Basically, all CCF used for church is in the trailer. Everything but the chairs and people. But that is okay. It is so reassuring that our God is not dependant on our stuff--any stuff, including the "stuff" in that trailer for church to happen. No indeedy. After all, He is not in the box!! He's not even "in the trailer"! ha ha
I tell you our prayer meeting tonight was powerful, especially our group prayer time when we all gathered in a circle and lifted high the name of Jesus despite the enemy trying to destroy us all and our church. **Comically enough, yours truly (Ms. Joyful Noise herself) led the pack at the end of group prayer in a verse of "How Great is Our God". Imagine the surprise when we opened our eyes and found the police officer (who had been called to take the report) standing there waiting on us. Poor guy...bet his ears will never be the same. ha ha**
We appreciate your prayers...please pray for our church during this time. Pray for my husband, Jim (the Pastor of CCF). Also, pray for 'the person or persons' who stole our trailer. We pray that whatever their situation may be that during this time they will come to know The Lord as a result and surrender their lives to Him.
We have an incredible group of people at CCF and we will continue to trust in the Lord and in His provisions during this trial. (Count it all joy, right?) We will hold to our faith and keep pressing on in the name of Jesus. We pray for The Lord to be glorified.
New use for a Math book?
Our family has been invited to take part in a Mission Conference in MD. In addition to leading P&W with her dad, Jordyn has been asked to speak and share a few songs with the youth group during one of the break-out session. Needless to say, she is a tad bit nervous. But God is so good! He has been preparing her the past two weeks during her Humanities Class (in Richmond once a week for four hours) with public speaking-style presentations. If you think of Jordyn, pray for her to have God's peace as she speaks and shares from her heart!!.
Friday, September 26, 2008
It is a MUST See
Bravo and much thanks to the writers, producers, actors and volunteers who put their efforts and resources into this movie. The gospel of hope through Jesus Christ is clearly stated. In a day and age where Hollywood bombards us with trash in the theaters, this movie is a light in a dark industry. I encourage everyone (married or single) to support the Christian efforts of Fireproof by going to see this movie.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Fireproof The Movie
Friday, September 19, 2008
Monday, September 15, 2008
I wanna grow old with you...
- took a tour of the new Whole Foods Market in Richmond. (I may have a new favorite grocery store. Sorry Ukrop's!).
- Lunch (thanks to my amazing secret sister who blessed my socks off! Whoever you are -- THANK YOU!!)
- a trip to...none other than....(drum roll please.....) MAGGIE MOO's. (If anyone knows the dude or dude-etts that own Maggie Moo's....I think they should consider me as a spokeswoman. It is the best ice cream EVER!!) Oh and get this...they had buttered popcorn flavored ice cream. Of course I had to try a sample spoonful (Elena, you'd like it...I think.) It was an interesting flavor however, I stayed with my normal. One scoop of Dark Chocolate and One luscious scoop of Better Batter. No mix-ins. Okay..I better stop b/c I am drooling on my keyboard.
- We walked around C28 (love that place).
Monday, September 08, 2008
In Memory of my friend, Jennifer
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
Throwing Stones? Not Me!
I simply can not be quiet a second longer. Give me a BREAK! Wasn't it not long ago that the media was celebrating with glee Jamie Lynn Spears pregnancy? But now, some are throwing an entire family under the bus, and even blaming the mother, because of teen pregnancy? A mother can give her life to her child, raise her in a Christian environment, teach her right from wrong and even sacrifice her career, but ultimately the daughter makes her own choices in life. Some right...some wrong.
I know this for a fact. I have been in Bristol's shoes. I was raised by a dynamic family who taught me right from wrong, took me to church, loved me unconditionally ...but guess what...I still made my OWN bad choices. One choice that landed me in the same shoes that Bristol is currently wearing. And oh do I remember the stone throwers ready to pound me. But, I also remember a loving family who was hurting along with me. The best memory of all? A gracious, merciful, Heavenly Father who never rejected me or disowned me. Thank you sweet Jesus. (I owe Him so much).
Why do we so quickly want to throw stones?
My heart goes out to Bristol and her family. I am sure this young woman is confused and scared. I must say that I, personally, admire this young woman for choosing life for her baby.
We never fully understand until we are in the other person's shoes. So, put the stones down and pray for this family.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Flip That House...Whose house? MY HOUSE!
We have lived in this house for 15+ years and for 12 years, I have prayed for new carpet. We have never really had the extra moola in our budget to make any household improvements, especially new carpet. But, oh, the power of prayer....while I was at the beach, someone told Jim they were going to bless us with new carpet!! (The Lord is good, isn't He??). The carpet was scheduled to arrive while I was out of town and so Jim decided he was going to paint the paneling in our den as a HUGE surprise for me. (My man hates...and I mean HATES to paint!). Jim knew that I have wanted to paint the den for 15+ years too. I know this was a complete labor of love on Jim's part!! Bless his heart...4 coats of paint later, the den is white and bright! No more 70's paneling over here. :)
All I can say is "Praise The Lord" and my house looks sooo beautiful!!! Thank you to those who blessed Jim and I with this amazing gift of new carpet. You will never know how grateful we are for this amazing gift. :)
Wednesday, August 06, 2008
Tats, Purple Pinky and vacation
Well, the summer Bible Study at Tantrum Tattoo Shop ended Monday night..but it was a great six weeks! Thanks again Emmy for letting us invade your shop on your day off to study The Word and reach out to women! The Lord was great to us and we had around 34 women in and out of the doors over the course of 6 weeks. Here is a 'crazy' pic. from Monday Night (we were missing about 10 women!!! Where were you all??)
Pray for Jennifer. She is a friend of mine (only 33) and she would have been in the above pic if she was not in the hospital. She was just diagnosed with cancer two weeks ago. At CCF, we "girls" started a "Purple Pinky Prayer Partners" for Jenny. We are painting one of our pinky fingernails purple (yes..the best color ever, right Jennifer?) as an outward sign that we are praying for Jennifer and her family!
Lastly, here are some pics from our mini-vacation (with my man last week) to Carolina Beach and Wilmington, NC!
Friday, August 01, 2008
Support C28
I use to always quote this to my girls! "Go to the ant!!" ha ha
At first glance, this may seem like just a pattern design; however, with a closer look you will see the classic NOTW logo morphing into the shape of an ant! Above this clever artwork is a call to action, BE THE ANT! As God says through His word, do not be lazy, but work diligently like the ant! The scripture on the back come from Proverbs 6:6-11.
So often we look down on ourselves. We think we're not good enough, pretty enough, or smart enough, and tend to fall into self-pity. We are always looking for man's approval, but in God's eyes, we are perfect, through Christ! And so the Psalm 42:5-6 was used as inspiration for this shirt. This psalm is a prayer about putting your hope in God and realizing we are perfect just the way God' made us! The wings on the back of the shirt symbolize this hope and how we can be lifted up by keeping this hope in mind.
"Why are you downcast, O my soul? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God. My soul is downcast within me; therefore I will remember you." - Psalm 42:5-6
I'll leave you with some pics Jordyn took on her celly tonight while we were at the best place on earth...that's right Maggie Moos (thank you Cheryl for my gift card!!) More vacation pics coming soon!
(yes, he's making those faces again! ha ha)
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Celebrate good times, come on!
Tuesday, July 08, 2008
VOV it!! (Venting over Venti)
1 I cry aloud to the LORD; I lift up my voice to the LORD for mercy.
2 I pour out my complaint before him; before him I tell my trouble.
The Lord is so faithful to listen to us! Next time you need to let it all out, grab a cup of coffee (venti of course) and go to the Lord for a little “VOV”.
Monday, June 30, 2008
My new grand-puppy!!!! SQUEALLLLL!!!!
Friday, June 27, 2008
Say What? She's 21!!!
She has a way of cracking us up!!
Yes, Jord is offically taller than Amanda (and Beck!)
Yikes! I am the mother of a 21 y.o.
Pop, Nan and "Scoo-boo". Nan and Pop ROCK!
Hail, Hail the gangs all here!